Saturday, December 3, 2011

I’ve never been much of a blogger.  Actually, I’ve never been a blogger at all!  I was talking to myself the other night and suggested to myself that it would be cool to start a blog.  After all, I am always writing down ideas, random thoughts, and sometimes stories.  Why not let someone else see them.  So I can’t make any promises on how frequent updates will be, or what topics I will talk about.  I’ll just have to see how all this develops and go on from there.  Vague, I know.
So the other night I was writing in my notebook and I had some ideas for a children’s story.  I don’t have a storyline, but I have some dialogue that would sound good in a children’s story I think.  You know how they’re always using alliteration and lively description to (try to anyway) keep your attention.  So, this is kind of weird I know, but that’s how I am.  Here we go…this is what I wrote.  It's supposed to be funny:

"I should write Children’s books.  They’d go kind of like this: (excerpt)

Jimmy took the cotton-balls out of his ears and proceeded to skip down the hallway.  “Wheeee!”  cried Jimmy as he smiled with Glee.  His playmate, Aaron was waiting for him at the bottom of the big brown stairs.  “Off we go to the fire station!” exclaimed Aaron, who had put on his big red boots for the occasion.  “And a’ top o’ the big red truck!” replied Jimmy.  “Grab a hose!”   who could that be?
It was Mikey from up the street!  He had brought along his bigger brother’s boots…and a smock…red for the occasion!
Jimmy was kinda screwed.  He hadn’t brought boots, bottoms, or a belt."......

And so on.  

I know this is lame.  If I get anyone reading all this I'll try for some relevant topics...and getting deeper than a sheet of paper...and don't worry, I'm not really going to try to get THIS published as a children's book!

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